Now that you know where you are - you might have some ideas of where you would like to go next. Setting goals is a great way to get started. But if you are anything like me unless you are willing to make time in your schedule to work toward those goals it will not work.
Even if you don't know where to start - set some time aside during your day to research better health in the areas that you would like to pursue.
I have been slowly keeping track of my food intake and my workouts this past week on SparkPeople. It takes some work to get everything entered, but worth it so far.
The hardest part for me (since I work from home and on my own a lot) it setting and sticking to a schedule. I have however found that the more I have a consistent rhythm in my day the more I get accomplished. Here is one example . . . from PBS Kids Go which I think is helpful no matter where you are in life as a basic tool. or you can even do something more simple like this . . .
6:00 wake -up
journal (20+ min)
work-out (40+min)
7:30 breakfast
shower and get dressed
8:30 Out the door (or to your desk to work)
take a 10-15 minute break mid-morning to stretch/walk/let your mind rest
(eat an apple or some almonds)
12:30 lunch
afternoon errands
3:30 Play with kids and/or friends - or find a fun thing at work to do with co-workers
5:30 make dinner
6:00 Eat with family/friends
6:30 clean-up
read/write/watch TV
get ready for bed.
10:00 lights out
(you can put the amount of time in - or the time of day, which ever is more helpful to you)
What ever you do - make it work for you and then note that not everyday (week/year) will be the same, the goal is to find a rhythm that works best for you right now in life and then learn how you can make your schedule shift and change to your goals, (and interests, social life, self-care).
Have Fun!!!
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