Friday, January 10, 2014


I found this draft of a post the other day that I actually had started a few years ago...

"My sister will tell you that she always counted on me to be the brave one - the daring sister who would try things out first and make sure they were safe (if I didn't break something then maybe - maybe she would try it).  Well, I have broken a number of bones in my life . . . some may say that has to do with me being a bit of a klutz - and although I learned a lot from my brokenness for a long time I believed that I should stop doing "dangerous" things.  I believed that I just didn't have the athletic ability."

I realized that I let myself believe in those times that this physical ability transferred over to other  parts of my life - I stopped doing and trying new things.  I stopped swimming in the ocean, I stopped talking to people when I went for long walks, I stopped writing on a regular basis...

In the past week I recognized that being brave has been a part of my DNA - I was the brave one growing up.  I was always trying new things, meeting new people, inviting others along.  I was trusting of my intuition and of others around me.

So it came to me that this word for the 2014 is not so much about discovering - but uncovering, (maybe even re-defining) what it is to be brave;  as a mom, wife, sister, friend, healer, pastor...

Are there characteristics of your past that your would like to uncover or reclaim?

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